
High School

Purpose and Objectives of Student Council:

The High School Student Council is a student organization that acts to provide students with an enjoyable and lively school life for the 60 plus students at International School of Eastern Seaboard. Our purpose is to collaborate within the council and student volunteers, as well as the teacher supervisor to improve the quality of student life. Furthermore, the High School Student Council strives to unite students together, to get them involved, and contribute to lifting student spirit by planning and organizing events throughout the school year. Our aspiration is to represent students and respond to their demands in making school a more diverse environment students can look forward to. The goal of the High School Student Council is to create opportunities for students to collaborate outside of academic environments. We aim to provide ideas for school wide projects and activities with concerns to student interests. Additionally, we seek to raise funds for these events and projects in order to execute them successfully and memorably for the benefit of the student body.

High School Members 2021-2022

  • President                           Soo Yeon  Lim –    (Grade 11), 
  • Vice President                   Pongpapon(Maek) Wongdeethai –(Grade 11),
  • Communications Officer    Tunyaorn(Fine) Visuwan – (Grade 11), 
  • Representative student     Grade 12    Sakura Ijima 

                                                     Grade 11  Apichaya (Cha Cha) Thongdeelert
                                                     Grade 10  Claudia Cardano Pérez
                                                   Grade 9 Yeon Joo Cheong
