Our extraordinary community is one of the things that makes ISE such an amazing place for students to learn, grow and develop into future global citizens. Each member of our community not only contributes to the vibrancy of our community, but in doing so supports a remarkable synergistic effect. Together, we are greater than the sum of our parts.
ISE Facilities
Thai studies field trips are a key element in engaging students with our host country while supporting the school curriculum. In Middle and High School, students participate in a two-day to one-week trip to different regions of Thailand (depending on grade). This Provides an opportunity to broaden the student’s curricular experience, to develop environmental and cultural awareness, and to foster a sense of community living and sharing.
Transportation within Burapha Golf Course
Student bus service is available free of charge to students who reside on Burapha Golf Course. Students should be waiting outside their house or villa for morning pick up. After school buses are available for students at 3:10 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Transportation (outside of Burapha)
Student school bus service is available for a fee and should be applied for at the time of registration. In addition to the regular bus service, there will be a bus service organized to accommodate the after school activities program. In some cases of limited demand, certain areas might not be serviced. If your child is affected in this way, the school will notify you as soon as possible.
Students who wish to ride on another bus to visit or stay overnight with a friend must have a bus form their parents SUBMITTED TO THE OFFICE ON THE MORNING IN QUESTION. Under NO circumstances will students be permitted to ride on a different bus without a bus form. The school is not responsible for the student bus riders who independently choose to leave school with a friend in a private vehicle at regular dismissal time without notifying the office.
Students who have not signed up for regular bus transportation may not ride the bus home with a friend without prior arrangement for the bus ride through the school office.
Additional Transportation Information
Transportation Company
VP Transport provides school bus service. The VP Transport manager is Khun Peack. He may be reached by calling him directly at 081 758 6245 and his home number is 038 233 175 or 038 716 167.
The superintendent will approve all bus routes at the beginning of the school year. Except in cases of emergency, no routes will be permanently changed without approval of the superintendent. At his/her discretion, the superintendent will periodically check the routes with the transportation supervisor. Changes to the bus route may be necessary to accommodate after school activity programs when they occur. In this event, parents will be notified in writing outlining any changes in the bus number, bus driver or time.
When weather and traffic conditions are ideal, every effort will be made to keep the bus route duration. Bus services following the after school activities may take longer due to rescheduling of routes. Bus service for field trips, after school activities and special events may require students to ride on a different bus than usual. The VP manager will always notify parents what rescheduled bus the student will be on. Every student will have a seat with a seatbelt. No student will be allowed to ride in the front seat of the bus.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off
The superintendent will receive a list of the pick-up and drop-off times. During the year, the transportation supervisor will inform the superintendent of significant changes in these times. When bus service is initiated, parents/guardians will be notified of pick-up and drop-off times, the bus driver’s name and telephone number, and the bus number. When the bus arrives at the designated time for pick-up, he will wait three minutes for a student before continuing the bus route. CHILDREN (1st GRADE AGE AND YOUNGER) MUST BE MET AT THE BUS DROP OFF BY A PARENT OR DESIGNATED PERSON. ANY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING PICK-UP/DROP OFF MUST BE INCLUDED ON THE BUS SERVICE APPLICATION FORM. If a parent or designated person is not present at drop-off for children 1st grade and younger, the transport manager will be contacted immediately for further instruction. The bus will wait five minutes before continuing the bus route as the transportation manager contacts parents. As a last resort, students will be driven back to the school to await parental pick-up. If a student is sick or not going to ride the bus, the bus driver or bus company manager should be notified to avoid delays in picking up other students.
Bus Behavior
Road safety is something that can never be emphasized enough. For the past fourteen years, VP Transport has provided the school with safe, dependable and efficient transportation service. Their ability to do so is, in part, because of the good behavior of students on the buses. To build on this service, below is a reference of the safety and behavior regulations for the VP Transport bus service used by ISE. The school issues this list at the time of enrollment. Parents should review these regulations with their children, keeping in mind that distractions may endanger the safety of students as well as others on the roadway.
The following is acceptable bus behavior:
All students should return home immediately after school on the 1:10 p.m. or 3:10 p.m. buses unless they have a school sponsored activity to attend. Students riding on school buses are expected to obey the monitors and are forbidden to behave in a manner that could endanger the safety of the other passengers or distract the driver.
Responsibilities related to transportation service
Parent Responsibilities
Student Responsibilities